Hello AliExpress Valued Customer,
Great news! (你的品牌/店鋪名) order has been shipped. It left our warehouse earlier today on its way to you! You can expect it on your doorstep within the next (預(yù)估貨物寄達天數(shù)) days (most likely sooner).
You made a great customer choice shopping with us. At (你的品牌/店鋪名), we truly care about your customer experience and, just importantly, your product experience. We are 100% dedicated to your complete satisfaction.Feedback and Product Reviews help us provide you and all (你的品牌/店鋪名) product and AliExpress customers with a better product and service.
· Leave Product Review: Product name 1
· Leave Product Review: Product name 2
· Leave Product Review: Product name 3
If you have any questions or concerns please let us know.
Best Regards,
(你的品牌/店鋪名) Customer Care Team
順序:Review > Feedback
Dear (Buyer's full name),
(品牌/店鋪名) from AliExpress would like to thank you for your recent purchase.
Our record indicates that your order has been delivered or will be delivered to you shortly. We want to make sure you are completely satisfied with the product you have purchased. Please let us know if there is any issues, questions or concerns. Our customer support team is standing by to assist you.
If you are satisfied with the product, please take a moment to submit a product review here:
· Leave Product Review: Product name 1
· Leave Product Review: Product name 2
· Leave Product Review: Product name 3
If you've had a pleasant buying experience from our store on AliExpress, please leave us feedback by clicking on the following link:
Thank You,
Customer Service Team
順序:Product > Review > Feedback
Dear(Buyer's full name),
Our records indicate that you have recently purchased a
· Product name 1
· Product name 2
· Product name 3
from us on AliExpress.com. In our endeavor to provide the best quality cases to customers, we would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on our product. To do so, we would encourage you to leave a review of the product at AliExpress.
To leave a product review, please sign into AliExpress.com and click the following link:
We want to continue to meet and exceed your expectations. Additionally, you may Leave Seller Feedback for (品牌/店鋪名).
We genuinely hope that your experience with our store was was positive and memorable. Thank you in advance for your valuable feedback.
Warmest regards,
(品牌/店鋪名) Customer Service
Hello AliExpress Valued Customer,
Great news! (你的品牌/店鋪名) order has been shipped. It left our warehouse earlier today on its way to you! You can expect it on your doorstep within the next (預(yù)估貨物寄達天數(shù)) days (most likely sooner).
You made a great customer choice shopping with us. At (你的品牌/店鋪名), we truly care about your customer experience and, just importantly, your product experience. We are 100% dedicated to your complete satisfaction.Feedback and Product Reviews help us provide you and all (你的品牌/店鋪名) product and AliExpress customers with a better product and service.
· Leave Product Review: Product name 1
· Leave Product Review: Product name 2
· Leave Product Review: Product name 3
If you have any questions or concerns please let us know.
Best Regards,
(你的品牌/店鋪名) Customer Care Team
順序:Review > Feedback
Dear (Buyer's full name),
(品牌/店鋪名) from AliExpress would like to thank you for your recent purchase.
Our record indicates that your order has been delivered or will be delivered to you shortly. We want to make sure you are completely satisfied with the product you have purchased. Please let us know if there is any issues, questions or concerns. Our customer support team is standing by to assist you.
If you are satisfied with the product, please take a moment to submit a product review here:
· Leave Product Review: Product name 1
· Leave Product Review: Product name 2
· Leave Product Review: Product name 3
If you've had a pleasant buying experience from our store on AliExpress, please leave us feedback by clicking on the following link:
Thank You,
Customer Service Team
順序:Product > Review > Feedback
Dear(Buyer's full name),
Our records indicate that you have recently purchased a
· Product name 1
· Product name 2
· Product name 3
from us on AliExpress.com. In our endeavor to provide the best quality cases to customers, we would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on our product. To do so, we would encourage you to leave a review of the product at AliExpress.
To leave a product review, please sign into AliExpress.com and click the following link:
We want to continue to meet and exceed your expectations. Additionally, you may Leave Seller Feedback for (品牌/店鋪名).
We genuinely hope that your experience with our store was was positive and memorable. Thank you in advance for your valuable feedback.
Warmest regards,
(品牌/店鋪名) Customer Service
1 個評論
每天訂單那么多,我們也不可能手動去發(fā),現(xiàn)在有郵件功能的第三方工具軟件還是挺多,fusionzoom erp設(shè)置規(guī)則和發(fā)送時機等都做的很靈活。